Monday, September 2, 2024

What Vaccines Do I Need For College

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School Vaccinations What you need to know about vaccines at school

Yes. CUNYâs Student Vaccination Mandate for in-person or hybrid classes also extends to in-person clinical and field placements . CUNY has been notified that some placement sites are requiring students to provide documentation of COVID vaccination as part of the necessary clearance requirements. Verification process will depend on the requirements of the clinical site.

‘bad Public Health And Bad Public Policy’

The challenge some schools face in vaccination efforts starts at the top: their states governor.

As Republican governors waged wars on vaccine passports documentation of a Covid-19 vaccination that is required to enter certain spaces colleges found themselves in the crosshairs. The so-called passports are usually discussed in the context of travel or access to large gatherings, but in states like Wyoming and Florida, officials told colleges that a Covid-19 vaccination requirement fell under the vaccine passport umbrella.

Two days later, Nova Southeastern was forced to reverse the requirement, which had become illegal.

I am frustrated with the state, said Charles Zelden, a professor of history and politics at Nova Southeastern. They are getting in the way of my classroom, my purpose to educate my students.

We are having people self-report on a voluntary basis if they have been vaccinated, and once we hit herd immunity on campus, or 80 percent vaccinated, then we will be able to open campus more so, but still not completely, Zelden said.

Not everyone objects to the change. Aliyah Gomez, 19, a rising sophomore, is happy vaccination is no longer required.

I was taken aback when I originally read the school was going to require the vaccine, Gomez said. It feels a bit pushy and Im not the only one who thought this was rushed. Gomez plans to eventually get vaccinated but wants to wait a little while.

How Do I Find Out If I’ve Had The Right Vaccinations

Ask a parent to contact your pediatrician or family doctor so he or she can check your health records.

If you’ve already had a disease like chickenpox, you won’t need the vaccine. And if it turns out you missed one or more of the required immunizations, you can still get them from your doctor it’s never too late. After getting a vaccination, it generally takes 10 days to 2 weeks for the body to build up immunity to a disease.

Once you have a certificate from your doctor that you’ve had all your shots, keep it filed away so you can find it easily later. If you plan to go to college, you will need to show proof that you’ve had a condition or been immunized. Some jobs also require proof of immunization for example, if you are working or volunteering in a hospital.

Because some teens may have missed getting certain shots, this is one of those times when you need to take charge of your health: Bring up the subject of immunization when you see your doctor and ask if you’ve had all the recommended vaccinations .

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Will I Be Able To Register For Fall 2021 Classes Without Being Fully Vaccinated

You will be able to register for classes prior to vaccination, but if you are taking in-person or hybrid classes you will have to be fully vaccinated and your vaccination documentation uploaded in CUNYfirst by September 27 so it can be approved by , the 45-day deadline. Students are able to provide verification of a COVID-19 vaccination through the CUNYfirst portal.

A user guide on how to upload proof of vaccination can be found here.

Until the October 7 deadline, students attending in-person classes who are waiting for their vaccination documentation to be approved have to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within the past seven days at a CUNY testing site.

White House To Defend Vaccination Rules For Large Companies

Parents Want

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White Houses principal deputy press secretary, recommended businesses move forward with plans to implement the administrations Covid-19 vaccination or weekly testing requirements after a federal appeals court put a temporary block on them.

The Biden administration on Monday argued that the federal government had all the power it needed to require large employers to mandate vaccination of their workers against the Covid-19 virus or to require those who refuse the shots to wear masks and submit to weekly testing.

In a 28-page filing before the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which temporarily blocked the mandate with a nationwide stay last week, the Justice Department argued that the rule was necessarily to protect workers from the pandemic and was well grounded in law.

Keeping the mandate from coming into effect would likely cost dozens or even hundreds of lives per day, in addition to large numbers of hospitalizations, other serious health effects, and tremendous costs, the Justice Department said in its filing. That is a confluence of harms of the highest order.

One coalition of businesses, religious groups, advocacy organizations and several states filed a petition on Friday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana, arguing that the administration overstepped its authority.

Do not wait to take actions that will keep your workplace safe, Ms. Jean-Pierre said.

The New York Times

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What If I Experience Flu

Students should contact their faculty/instructors regarding minor illnesses or campus health services to address any significant issues. If you have a positive COVID-19 test, please contact your Campus Coronavirus Liaison or Student Affairs office. As a general matter, if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, such as fever, persistent cough, or chills, or if you have a positive COVID-19 test, you should remain home, seek the attention of a medical care provider, and return to campus when you are recovered and have been given medical clearance to return.

Unimmunized Rates By County

Many students have an exemption to only one or two vaccines, and are otherwise immunized. Beginning in 2015, our survey collected numbers of students with an exemption that have no documented vaccines on file. This shows the number of students that have an exemption to all vaccines and are likely unimmunized. This number is much lower than the total with an exemption or two. The regional clustering of students with no documented vaccines is similar to that of students with an exemption to one or more vaccines. Students that are completely unimmunized pose a greater risk to the community because they are unprotected from multiple infectious diseases.

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Will The University Specify Which Authorized Or Licensed Vaccine Is Preferred

The University concurs that all EUA-authorized vaccines are safe and very effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 and in decreasing the odds of hospitalization and death, and being infectious. Therefore, the University recommends that as many people as possible across the University system be vaccinated as soon as possible. As stated by the CDC, the best vaccine is the one that you are eligible to receive and that you can get today.

The Vaccines Your College Freshman Needs

Meningococcus Vaccine – Why Do College Students Need It?

Most parents know what vaccines their children need and at what age they should receive them, but they may not realize that their college-bound offspring need specific inoculations too.

Each state has different vaccination requirements for students, so if your child is going to an out-of-state school, he or she may be missing a few required vaccines. Most colleges require measles, mumps and rubella varicella, which is chickenpox or proof of having had the disease, hepatitis B, and a tetanus booster, which is necessary only if it’s been 10 years since your last shot.

All of us should make sure we’re properly vaccinated, but it is especially important for college students. They live close together in dorms or in campus apartments and it’s very common for them to share bathrooms, showers, drinks and even towels.

“When you’re in close environments, classrooms, working out at the campus recreation centers, living in dorms, you’re more likely to come into contact with other people who are ill. The vaccines that we give can help prevent an overall outbreak,” says Dr. Maureen Olson, medical director of Student Health Services at Georgia Tech.

Because freshmen can have a tough time adjusting to their new independent lives at college, Olson strongly urges these students to get all their vaccinations on time to reduce the risk of getting sick, an event that could add unnecessary stress.

The CDC offers helpful tips on staying happy and healthy while away from home.

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Antibody Testing Is Not Recommended To Check Immunity After Vaccination

Theres not enough data about what antibody test results mean to use them to make decisions about whether someones had a good response to the vaccine. The ACR guidance recommends that everyone with an autoimmune or inflammatory rheumatic disease get the vaccine in the first place, then get the third dose according to recommendations. Knowing your antibody levels shouldnt change this.

What Are The Top Vaccines That College Students Need

“Each patient will have a different situation, and their medical records can bring them up to date. Overall, the ones I’d emphasize are meningitis and hepatitis B.”

“Almost every college requires or strongly recommends students be vaccinated for meningitis, especially if they plan to live in the dorms. Close quarters make it easier for bacteria to spread.”

“Hepatitis B is a blood-borne infection, but can also be transmitted through sexual activity. The disease can have long-term liver consequences. The hepatitis B vaccine is a three-dose series, and might be among the safest vaccines ever made.”

“I would also recommend the combined tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine.”

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More Changes In New York City

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this week that New York Citys schools will no longer have to shut temporarily whenever two unrelated virus cases are detected.

Many parents with children in schools said that the rule disrupted learning and created an environment of daily uncertainty. Schools have closed multiple times, sometimes opening for just a few days at a time. In recent weeks, closures have accelerated as middle and high school students returned after months of all-remote learning.

Epidemiologists and medical experts told ProPublica and the education news site Chalkbeat that New Yorks two-case rule was arbitrary and had led to unnecessary closures. They called on the mayor to adjust it. There has been very little virus transmission in the citys classrooms since they reopened last fall.

The way to beat Covid is not by closing schools excessively, but by suppressing transmission both inside and outside of schools, Dave A. Chokshi, the citys health commissioner, said during a news conference on Monday.

Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers, has strenuously opposed any changes to the rule for months. But he now has diminished leverage in the negotiations, in part because teachers have been eligible for a vaccine for nearly three months.

Retailers Scramble To Attract Workers Before The Holidays

How Much Do College Students Want the COVID

Macys is offering its employees referral bonuses of up to $500 for each friend or relative who joins the company. Walmart is paying as much as $17 an hour to start, and has begun offering free college tuition to its workers. Some Amazon warehouse jobs now command signing bonuses of up to $3,000.

Expecting the holiday shopping season to be bustling this year after being upended by the coronavirus in 2020, retailers are scrambling to find enough workers to staff their stores and distribution centers in a tight labor market.

It is not proving easy to entice applicants for an industry that has been battered more than most by the pandemics many challenges, from fights over mask wearing to high rates of infection among employees. Willing retail workers are likely to earn larger paychecks and work fewer hours than they might have before the pandemic, and consumers may find less inventory on shelves and fewer sales associates in stores.

Folks looking to work in retail have typically had very little choice its largely been driven by geography and availability of hours, said Mark A. Cohen, the director of retail studies at Columbia Universitys business school. Now they can pick and choose whos got the highest, best benefits, bonuses and hourly rates. And as weve seen, the escalation has been striking.

The virus is surging in Vermont as more people gather inside to avoid the cold weather. Experts warn that holiday gatherings could lead to more cases this winter.

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Vaccines And College Students: What Parents Need To Know

Recently, officials at Temple University reported to parents and staff that the campus had an outbreak of the highly contagious virus known as the mumps. Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects saliva-producing glands that are located near your ears. Symptoms include swollen salivary glands, a puffy cheek appearance and cold symptoms such as headache, fatigue and fever.

A long line at where theyre lined up to get #mumps vaccine over 600 in the first 2 hours working to contain the outbreak. . Well be here all day reporting live #CBS3

Stephanie Stahl

Though there is no cure for mumps , mumps can be prevented by receiving the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination course as designated by the CDC.

According to Temples website, officials reported that there were 15 confirmed cases and 59 suspected cases bringing the total of infected individuals to 74, which constituted an outbreak by public health standards. Naturally, concerned parents flooded Temples Facebook page with questions regarding the health of their teens.

Outbreaks of preventable diseases are on the rise and, as our teens head to college, concerns about their health while living in dorms are at the forefront of our minds. Highly contagious diseases like mumps and influenza can spread rapidly through close quarter dorms and it is stressful when your college kid calls home to tell you they are feeling miserable.

For Conscience Or Religious Belief

For your child to be exempted due to conscience or religious belief, you must contact your local public health unit:

  • Complete an education session
    • Let your local public health unit know you wish to have your child exempted from the required vaccines.
    • The PHU will:
    • advise you on the steps to take in completing a valid exemption, including watching the vaccine education video.

    Once its complete, you must get it signed by a commissioner for taking affidavits in Ontario.

  • Make copies for your records
  • Make copies of your:

    • signed Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief form

    You will need to submit the original versions.

    It is important that you keep your copies because the ministry and local public health units do not keep records of your exemption documents.

  • Submit the originals
  • Submit the original copies of your Vaccine Education Certificate and signed Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief form to your local public health unit. Contact them to find out how.

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    Am I Required To Be Fully Vaccinated To Attend Classes

    All Students registering for a fully in-person or hybrid class for the 2021 Fall Term must be fully vaccinated to attend in-person classes unless you have been granted a religious exception or medical exemption. Requests for religious exceptions or medical exemptions must be submitted via the CUNYfirst Vaccine Verification Form.The FDA granted full approval to the Pfizer vaccine on August 23, 2021, triggering a 45-day final deadline for CUNY students to be fully vaccinated and their vaccination documentation uploaded and approved in CUNYfirst. Students now have until September 27 to upload proof of vaccination into CUNYfirst.

    To meet the 45-day deadline, students must receive the vaccines by these dates:

    • Moderna: first dose by August 26
    • Pfizer: first dose by September 2
    • Johnson & Johnson: single dose by September 23

    Because Colleges need 10 days to verify and approve the vaccination documents after students upload them, the documents must be uploaded by September 27 to the latest. Students taking in-person or hybrid classes who fail to upload their proof of vaccination by September 27 will be subject to potential academic withdrawal that could also impact their financial aid and make them ineligible for refunds for the courses.

    For all health & safety guidance, visit

    People On Immunosuppressive Or Immunomodulating Medication Should Get A Third Dose Of The Pfizer Or Moderna Vaccine

    What Vaccines Might My Child Need Before Starting School?

    An additional third dose is now routinely recommended for everyone on medication that affects immune system function, at least 28 days after completing the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

    This applies to most medications for inflammatory and autoimmune rheumatic diseases withone exception: hydroxychloroquine . Because this medication does not suppress the immune system, those who take only hydroxychloroquine do not need a third vaccine dose.

    You should get ideally get the same type of vaccine for your third dose as you did for your first two . But switching to the other mRNA vaccine is okay if you cant get the same as your original series.

    Read more here about getting the third COVID-19 vaccine dose for immunocompromised people.

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    Waivers For Measles Mumps Rubella Varicella Tdap Or Meningococcal Vaccines

    To request a medical waiver for measles, mumps, rubella varicella Tdap or meningococcal vaccines, submit a letter signed by a licensed physician stating:

    • Students name
    • Medical condition that contraindicates vaccine
    • Approximate time until condition resolves, if applicable
    • Physicians signature and date
    • Physicians contact information, including phone number

    Students may submit a medical waiver to the immunization compliance coordinator, via the myUOHealth Portal.

    To request a non-medical waiver for measles, mumps, rubella varicella Tdap or meningococcal vaccines, students must be counseled by a health care professional, either their own or one at University Health Services. Students may use the UO Certificate of Immunization Status to submit a non-medical waiver to the UHS immunization compliance coordinator via the myUOHealth Portal.

    Waiving the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine specifically also requires watching the Oregon Health Authority College Measles Module and providing the certificate of completion to the immunization compliance coordinator, via the myUOHealthPortal .

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