Monday, September 2, 2024

How Much Money Is It To Get In College

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What Is The Average Entertainment Cost For College Students

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Spending on entertainment is a major non-essential or discretionary spending that forms part of the average college student budget. The number of college students spending money on entertainment is significantly high. The most common forms of entertainment spending by this group include DVD and on-demand movie rentals, getting tickets to movies or live shows, expenditure on music, and purchase of video games. Indeed, students do deserve some degree of entertainment.

College life can get stressed due to academic, financial, and emotional constraints. As such, healthy spending on entertainment, coupled with prudent financial management, will be beneficial for college students.

17. The entertainment bill costs $2.4 billion.

College students cumulatively spent $2.4 billion each year on their entertainment needs. This encompasses all the different forms of entertainment, such as video games, DVD rentals, music, etc.

18. More than half of the college students spend on live music and media.

Data shows that 59% of college students spend money on live music. 57% of college students spend money on other forms of media. This makes it evident that spending on entertainment is quite popular among college students.

Should You Use Your Age To Calculate How Much You Should Save

Using your age can be a useful way to calculate your potential savings and how much money you need to save over various life events. Remember, don’t be discouraged if you haven’t started yet, need a break, or are late. You can always get back on track.

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How Much Money Can I Expect From Scholarships

Most students can expect to receive $5,000 to $10,000 in scholarships, but that varies widely based on the cost of attendance at the college and how hard the student works on the application process.

As you watch your friends approach the magical moment of high school graduation, their junior and senior years have probably been filled with talk of college, how expensive it is, and how important it is to get all the scholarships they can.

If youre a student just beginning your own journey or the parent of one, consider these points to get extra money for college tuition.

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If I Am Paying For Tuition Room And Board What Else Does My Teen Need Cash For

Even a student who has tuition and room and board covered by some combination of parents, financial aid, and loans will find themselves in need of funds sometimes. For students with cars on campus, gas becomes a major expense. For others Uber and Lyft can be an extra charge. Students also spend money on school supplies, club or team expenses, items at the pharmacy, eating out with friends, online entertainment like Netflix and gaming, clothing, and more.

Differences In Institution Types Greatly Impact Cost

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Students attending area community colleges or public, in-state schools pay less than half the cost per credit hour of their out-of-state and private school counterparts.

Based on tuition and fees, the cost of a college credit hour is:

  • $155 for students at in-district community and vocational colleges
  • $435 for students at 4-year public, in-state colleges
  • $1,118 for students at 4-year public, out-of-state colleges
  • $1,537 for students at 4-year private, nonprofit colleges

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How Much Income Will You Really Need In Retirement

Most experts agree that retirement income should not be less than 80% of early retirement wages. So if your early retirement income is $100,000 a year, if you trust the experts, it will cost you $80,000 a year to retire comfortably. I’m saying you can retire if you have more than enough income to cover your retirement costs.

How Much Should You Have In Savings At 40

Fidelity says: At this age you want to save three times your current salary. Rowe Price says he wants to double his current salary at age 40 and triple his salary at 45. Others say your 40s should be the time to focus on your earning potential and try to make as much money as you can, Moddasser says.

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Should You Go To College At All

People with a college degree earn more over the course of their career than those without one. But if you start and don’t finish college, some of the earnings bump will likely be lost.

Less than half of the people who go to college actually should, said Bryan Caplan, an economist and author of The Case Against Education.

The rest either choose a low-paying major or don’t finish their degree, so it’s not worth their time and money, he said.

“If you just think of education like any other investment, the success rate is crucial,” Caplan said.

If you didn’t do well in high school and scored low on the SATs, it might mean you shouldn’t pay anything for a four-year degree.

Explore Alternate Credit Options

How To Save A LOT Of Money In College

The internet has changed the way we engage with information. You dont have to necessarily sit in specific classrooms for all your educational needs. You can build a college degree the way youd build a playlist, using a variety of course styles from a variety of schools.

And the exciting thing is, most of these alternative credit options are far cheaper than the traditional classroom experience.

You could pay $594 per class for the luxury of being taught in-person by a professor. Or, you could take a $150 competency-based exam. If you dont like those options, you could perhaps try an online professional studies or self-paced online courses.

Generally, there are at least six ways to earn a college course credit. And most of them are less expensive and more flexible than taking a traditional classroom-style course.

Depending on how many transfer credits your college accepts, this method can help reduce the cost of your bachelors degree by thousands of dollars.

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How Much Should A College Student Spend Per Month

There are disparities in the amount of money that college students across the US spend monthly. However, having a basic idea about how much the average college student spends is useful to plan for college. The total spending by college students can be classified into two categories. The first one comprises essential needs such as expenses towards academic requirements, Rent, utilities, food, etc. The second category comprises non-essential or discretionary spending.

1. Moderate spending can cost students more than $2,000 a month.

Students who choose to spend moderately will incur on average expenses of around $2,082 per month. This translates to about $24,980 a year.

2. Restricted budgets can bring down expenses to $1,400.

Those who trim down their budgets can manage with around $1400 a month. This would entail cutting down on discretionary spending in a significant manner.

Apply For Grants And Scholarships

There are thousands of programs, institutions, companies and organizations that give away free money. Grants are based on need, while scholarships can be based on a number of qualifiers, including academic and athletic merit.

You can apply for grants and scholarships at the federal and school level when you complete your FAFSA. Ask your high school guidance counselor or college financial aid office if youre eligible for any local programs or apply for scholarships offered by specific colleges.

To find independent scholarships, you may also use online tools like,Fastweb and the College Boards scholarship search. You can customize your search based on any number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Race.
  • Religion.
  • Physical disabilities.

The earlier you start your search, the more free money you could qualify for. Many grants and scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so the sooner you apply, the more money you could score.

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Carefully Plan Your Transfer Credits

Pursuing your degree by enrolling first in a community college isnt a bad decision on its own. But it can cause a lot of problems when youre trying to save money on your college education.

Usually, community colleges advise you to earn an associates degree before transferring to a new school to finish your bachelors. The idea is to earn your first 60 credits at a small, inexpensive school before finishing at your more expensive institution. Seems like a good deal, right?


Associates degrees and bachelors degrees have very different requirements for graduation.

Unless youre attending a community college with a very good matriculation agreement, you may be wasting time and money earning credits that wont transfer.

Just like in the last point, every credit that is not transferable is a credit that needs to be replacedcosting you hundreds of dollars per course.

Again, transferring credit isnt the culprit here. Not understanding college course transfer policies is. Transfer credit only increases college expenses when its lost. As long as you have already verified that the school you want to graduate from accepts the community college credit youre taking, you can breathe easy.

Do Ivy League Schools Offer Athletic Scholarships

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Ivy League schools do not give out athletic scholarshipsthey only provide need-based financial aid. Coaches can help their prospective athletes obtain financial aid rewards, but they do not have any scholarship money to give out to them. In many cases, Ivy League schools are able to meet the majority of the cost of tuition at most, families with an annual income less than $65,000 dont make any contribution to their student-athletes education, while families with an annual household income between $65-$180,000 could be expected to contribute somewhere between 10 to 18 percent. In other words, dont let a lack of athletic scholarship dollars deter you from pursuing an Ivy League education as a student-athlete.

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Average Cost Of College By State

The average cost of public colleges in the United States is $9,970 for in-state tuition and $25,620 for out-of-state tuition, not including room and board. According to the data, New Hampshire has the highest in-state tuition of $16,070, which is around $3,500 more than South Dakota’s out-of-state tuition, $12,480. Wyoming has the lowest in-state tuition, costing only $5,220. In contrast, the highest out-of-state tuition and the most expensive average tuition on the list was from Vermont, with a price tag of $38,990.


What Are The Extra Costs

All colleges have some type of fees to apply. These fees range from $30 to $50, so if you choose to apply to multiple colleges, this will really add up. Some schools will include your application fee in your tuition if you get accepted and enroll.

If you are planning to live on campus, the yearly fees for college will greatly increase. According to Examiner, when room and board is included, the average cost of college at a state school is $16,140 per year and $36,993 at a private university. Aside from living on campus, dont forget to factor in transportation, food, laundry and entertainment.

The cost of books is an unavoidable cost. For a full-time student , a year of books will cost between $1,000 and $1,500. This cost will depend on the class and how many books are required.

Be sure to factor in the inflation rate. Each and every year, theres going to be a rather good chance that the rates are going to go up. The average inflation rate varies from 5 to 8 percent.

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How Much In Private Student Loans Can I Get

Private student loans are offered by banks and lenders directly to students and their parents. They arent part of the federal governments programs, so they wont have the same rules for how much student loans you can get.

This can actually be good news for students who have hit their federal student loan limits and still have costs to cover. For instance, if you go to a more expensive university and pay more in tuition, those federal student loans wont go as far. In these cases, private student loans can help to cover any leftover costs.

What you can borrow with private student loans will also vary by lender, as each bank will have its own lending rules. Heres what private lenders will look at when deciding on your student loan amount:

  • Lenders limits or guidelines: Each bank or lender will have its own limits on annual borrowing, while others may just have a certain maximum yearly amount you can borrow. For undergraduates at the following private lenders, for example
Lender Aggregate limit
100% of cost of attendance $150,000
100% of cost of attendance $500,000
Note that some private lenders count your federal loan borrowing toward your aggregate limit.

How Do You Spend Money Wisely

How To Get Grants For College – Get $5,920 In School Grants Today!

Experiment with physical goods. When it comes to spending money wisely, it’s better to spend it on experiences rather than articles. Instead of buying an expensive new Blu-ray player for your living room, consider a weekend trip to a nearby city and some sightseeing. Most of the time, the experience stays with you.

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How Much Federal Financial Aid Does A Fafsa Applicant Usually Get

The maximum Federal Pell Grant Award for the 2020-21 award year is $6,345. Schools may offer less than the full amount depending on the students need or academic load. The Federal Pell Grant is one of the most common forms of federal financial aid given your EFC.

The maximum Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is $4,000, with an average grant of $599. Your college may also use your FAFSA® to determine eligibility for a variety of scholarships that are awarded on the basis of merit. While its possible that your academic expenses are entirely covered by full-ride scholarships, only .3% of students typically receive such offers. Grants and scholarships are highly coveted by students since, unlike loans, they do not need to be paid back. The good news is that as many as two-thirds of all students receive at least some aid in the form of grants or scholarships from their college and federal aid.

Scholarships are usually not determined by your EFC but are based on things like merit, community service, and other factors. Students who file their FAFSA® early are more likely to receive more financial aid in the form of grants and scholarships than those who wait until the last minute. While students who file late will still have their financial needs met, those offers are likely to contain more loans and fewer grants and scholarships.

Possible Spending Money Types

The following items may be deemed spending money for college students:

  • Clothing
  • Entertainment
  • Food
  • Gas or public transportation
  • Electronics
  • Travel allowance

Some items vary widely. For example, if a travel allowance is included and the student goes to school quite far from home, the average round-trip plane ticket costs $370 per trip. Deciding whether to include such expenses in spending money totals is important. Once you decide which items to include, you must estimate how much money to allow for each.

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What Are The Fafsa Federal Student Loan Limits

There are two primary types of federal student loans, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan and the Federal Perkins Loan . Generally, the interest rates are lower on federal loans, and the repayment plans are more varied and flexible. To apply for a federal loan, you will need to file your FAFSA®. The most loan aid you can borrow under these programs is between $3,500 and $12,500 per year for undergraduate study, depending on your dependency status and college grade level. This table has the full breakdown:


Don’t Borrow More Than $50000

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The experts agreed that rather than worrying about the total price tag, you should focus on how much debt you’ll take on, and your ability to pay it back.

“Debt is what can burden you going forward and can limit your life choices,” Folt said.

An oft-cited rule of thumb is to borrow no more than what you’ll earn the first year after graduation.

But in order to figure that out, you’ll need to know how much you’ll be earning. That can be tough to pin down.

One recent survey found that the average starting salary for an entry-level position for someone with a bachelor’s degree this year is $50,000.

Tech or science fields may earn bigger paychecks. But those who pursue a more volatile career or go on to graduate school may want to borrow less money, said Kal Chany, the author of Paying for College Without Going Broke.

To get a better sense of what different majors may pay, check out this data from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce on lifetime earnings. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has data on lifetime earnings by career.

A third source, the government’s College Scorecard, shows the median earnings of graduates by school, 10 years after entering college.

Experts told CNN that earnings stats can be “opaque,” “quite misleading,” and should be taken “with a grain of salt.”

“It doesn’t have to be an exact thing. It still helps to think about these ideas,” Chany said.

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