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How To Create An Art Portfolio For College

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How to Make an Art Portfolio for College: 10 Tips from MICA Admissions Counselors

Chelsey Moter, SEOWorks

One of the easiest and fastest ways to create an online portfolio is through Behance. You just need to create an account and you’re able to upload work almost instantly.

It’s also a great place to upload your resume, profile picture and add a short bio so employers can quickly get an idea of who their potential candidate will be.

Behance allows you to have everything all in one spot which is the most convenient way to show professors and employers your professional information.

Eportfolios Can Streamline The Grading Process Collating Work In A Single Location

Art teachers sometimes feel like tearing their hair out attempting to assess student work that is scattered across several locations . This can become a logistical nightmare when collating and assessing work from hundreds of students.

An online ePortfolio acts as a central hub, collating all work by a single student in one location .

Each separate assignment of sub-unit of work can be presented upon a single ePortfolio page, with the teacher scrolling up or down as required to view the entire submission. With this method, each student submits only a single link for assessment. Inboxes are not clogged files do not need to be painstakingly opened one at a time. The teacher opens the appropriate link, and the entire submission is visible images, multi-media, and text, arranged upon a single portfolio page.

Although critiquing student work from single ePortfolio page is often not as simple as assessing hardcopy work directly in front of you, it is far better than other digital alternatives. It also has the advantage that teachers dont need to carry armloads of work to-and-from school, and can grade anywhere that they have internet access. This submission technique also allows regular formative feedback to be given via comment features, as described above.

Showcase That You Are Tech

Jacques Buffet, Career Expert at Zety

Creating a resume website shows that you are tech-savvy and follow new trends. Also, such a website gives you more space to display your portfolio. So whether you have samples of your writing, artwork, videos or photos, you can display them easily in a designed portfolio sectionon your website. Simple as that.

There’s also plenty of space to include references and testimonials from your professors or internship mentorsâsomething a standard resume cannot hold. And finally, a resume website is easy to manage and add to it with time.

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Attend National Portfolio Day

Juggling all of these tips might seem like a difficult task on top of trying to complete your high school educationâor working, if youâre a high school grad. National Portfolio Day was created to make it easier for prospective art students to get portfolio feedback. Itâs an opportunity for students to discuss their art portfolios in person with representatives from schools all over North America.

A university fair-style event, National Portfolio Day offers the chance for you to have your portfolio critiqued by virtually every undergraduate art and design program in the United States and Canada before you apply. Between September 2017 and January 2018, NPD held events in forty-two cities across the continent, plus an online session for those who couldnât make it in person.

âI would definitely advise that everyone applying to art school go to National Portfolio Day, especially anyone debating about whether or not they want to apply,â recommends Geib. âItâs easy to get trapped in what your two high school art teachers think. Thereâs a lot more variety of opinion and insight out there. Some of the school reps at the event looked through my portfolio and basically said, âAs long as your GPA and basic college entrance requirements are met, your portfolio is good enough to go to our school.âââ

What Should An Art Portfolio Include

How to make an awesome art portfolio for college or university

It can be daunting when youre first starting to think about what to include in your portfolio, and your head is probably swimming with questions. How many examples of art are in a portfolio? When should you update your online art portfolio with examples of your work?

While every portfolio will be as unique as the artist theyre showcasing, there are a few areas to consider including in yoursregardless of whether your end goal is to be accepted into an art program or make your next career move.

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Include Artwork That Highlights Your Strengths

Submitting a diverse art portfolio is a great way to let whoever evaluates your work know how excited you are about different types of art. By featuring a wide range of approaches, media, and content, you are showing school admissions officers that you frequently explore a variety of ideas and artistic practices.

School of Visual Art graduate Michelle Nahmad emphasizes that an art school portfolio should act as a gallery and timeline of your abilities and ideas. âChoose pieces that stand as unique beats in the story youâre telling about your work, building on one another to give a sense of your range of abilities and interests,â says the designer, illustrator, and narrative artist.

Lawrence built his art portfolio around the subjects he most wanted to engage with while studying at Emily Carr. âI tried to showcase the skill that I thought I had in each of the classes I wanted to take. I included drawings, paintings, photography, and I even showcased my editing tactics by submitting video montages of myself snowboarding.â

But while a diverse portfolio is a good idea, it isnât necessary to be an expert in every category before beginning your degree. A common mistake made by hopeful art and design students is submitting substandard work just to appear multidisciplinary.

Use A Simple Presentation Style

A creative ePortfolio is more than just a place to dump work the presentation matters. Put thought into color and font selection, aiming for easy readability. When arranging content on pages, remember that overcrowded work or tiny font sizes may make it difficult for examiners to assess work. As with a traditional sketchbook, a clean, minimalist aesthetic is desirable, as this does not distract from the artwork .

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Select Your Best Images

If you’re not sure which of your photos are the best, ask an art teacher, your classmates, or anyone you know who has attended a photography college for help. Your friends and family may also help. While they may not have the same technical eye as photographers, there is likely something powerful about certain images that appeal to a large number of people.

Successful photography portfolios will not only showcase your best work but also chart your progress as a photographer. If you want to tell the story of your growth, arrange your images chronologically or by years or time periods.

Customize The Look Of Your Website

Making a Fantastic Art Portfolio for College Admissions with PortPrep

Once you’ve got your photos and any other content up, all that’s left to do is play around with the design and personalize it to fit your unique style and point of view. Once it looks perfect, you can publish your online portfolio and start applying to the colleges and universities on your list.

Look for a website builder that offers a range of other features to support you throughout your career as a photographer. That way, when you graduate and start working as a photographer professionally, you wonât have to migrate your portfolio to a whole new platform.

Format allows you to create fully customizable input and contract forms, offers professional email hosting, has built-in client proofing galleries, and integrates with Lightroom and Capture One. Features like this make it easier to run your business as a photographer, and building your student portfolio with Format means you can access these features whenever you need them.

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Create Original Work For Your Art Portfolio

When submitting an art portfolio for college application, schools donât want to see that you are really good at copying other artistsâ work. They want to see that you have your own exciting ideas, and the ability to realize them. A good way to express your originality is to fill your art portfolio with pieces that are clearly unique, whether itâs a work of direct observation or a project that displays novel and inventive thinking.

According to Professor Lieu, when submitting a college art portfolio most of the portfolios that high school students submit to RISD lack direct observational work altogether. âThis problem is so prominent that drawing from direct observation is now the rare exception among high school art students. Just doing this one directive will distinguish your work from the crowd, and put you light-years ahead of other students. That means no fan art, no anime, no manga, no celebrity portraits.â

Developing Your Art Portfolio

First and foremost, develop a timeline that will help you get your work together in a timely manner. The process of creation can be a timely process so students should give themselves at least a year to curate their portfolio. Spend additional time researching the requirements of the art programs you are interested in and pay close attention to what they are asking for. If you don’t follow all their instructions, they will not accept you. View previous artwork. Viewing previous portfolios of other students can give you some added inspiration. To receive feedback do not be afraid to talk to your art teacher or close friends. Search the internet or Google “art portfolio examples” if you do not have anyone in your network who has submitted a portfolio recently. Use previous portfolios as a way to steer yourself in a specific direction but never seek to use someone elses material or copy the work in any way. Use your experience as a way to develop your unique portfolio.

Selecting Your Artwork

You will need 10-20 art pieces to develop your art portfolio. These pieces can be work you have done in school or they can be pieces specifically created for the art portfolio. Choose the work that best represents you.

Some schools request that your pieces should be work that you recently completed. If this is the case, then the artwork you choose should have been created within the last year or few months. Your recent work is most likely to be your very best.

An Art Instructor

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Creating An Eportfolio Promotes Digital Literacy And Web Design Skills

Many students already create logo designs and other graphic design outcomes as part of their high school art programs: website design is a natural extension of this, with options to design the site layout, graphics and font. Many high school qualifications have updated their curriculums to specifically include digital learning. For example, the Cambridge International AS and A Level Digital Media and Design syllabus recently added the following area of study: Mobile and multimedia applications include web and mobile applications, games, interactive media and digital installation. This syllabus, as do most high school programs, includes many topics that could form part of an ePortfolio or web design project.

Here is an example of a final website design by a high school student in New Zealand:

In other words, building an ePortfolio is not simply an alternative way of presenting artwork, but can be an integral way of meeting curriculum requirements, providing an assessment mode that is more relevant to current and future students in the 21st century.

How To Create An Online Portfolio For College Admissions

How to make an art portfolio for college or university ...

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Submit The Portfolio To The Art Program

After receiving feedback and possibly making a few suggested changes, your child will be ready to submit their portfolio. Most art portfolios for college are submitted online, so theyll have to take pictures or videos of their work. Your child should use a professional digital camera to digitize their high school art portfolio.

To get the best visual quality, your child should use natural lighting and neutral backgrounds to help the colors and details of their pieces pop. Make sure they crop the photos so there isnt any extra space beyond their artwork. The images should be saved as JPGs or PDFs to maximize image clarity. Once everything is perfect, your child should follow the programs instructions to submit their portfolio collection.

Avoid Boring Templates Use A Field

Brandon Foster, Teacher & Blogger

Students should not fall into the trap of using templates to build out their resumes. These templates limit their control of being creative and also not stand out from other resumes.

Students should blend the six ingredients – education, major, experience and service, skills, andrelevant projects to come up with a strong resume. Colleges are no more interested in merely knowing the candidates’ academic side they want to know the candidates’ personalities and interests. Even if you have family responsibilities, you might list them in a separate Achievement section by proudly representing yourself as a responsible family member.

Additionally, students should choose the theme according to their field. For example, if applying for a field related to designing, then dull white or black resumes will not grab attention in a second. Contrarily, the one with bold colors will give it a field-relevant touch.

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Have Questions About A Schools Portfolio Requirements

It is much better to contact admissions and ask your questions as early as possible, so youre not second-guessing when you are putting together your art portfolio. This is true even if a portfolio is not mandatory. Speaking with the admissions staff will provide insight and often, reassurance about what you should be highlighting, and if the portfolio is not mandatory, you may already be making yourself stand apart from students who decide not to submit one at all.

Contact Hussian College with any questions about our admissions process or what we look for in an art portfolio.

Include A Menu With Clearly Labelled Navigation Links

3 Steps to Prepare a College Art Portfolio

Include a navigation menu at the top of the screen with links to different sections of work within the ePortfolio. A drop-down menu can be used to group pages together in categories and sub-categories. The menu should use clear, easily-understood wording. Teachers often have specific rules and naming protocols for menu items, so that they can locate work without difficulty.

Menu items should be ordered sequentially, to show progression of ideas, and should include a link to the home page, and other key pages . A second menu can also be included in the footer of the site .

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What Should Be Included In An Art Portfolio For College

  • Respect for requirements. Once you have decided which school or program interests you, the next step is to learn about its portfolio requirements.
  • A variety of media and techniques are used…
  • It’s all about your personality…
  • Here are a few observations.
  • The presentation was excellent.
  • I would like to hear what someone else has to say.
  • How To Submit A Great Art Portfolio With Your College Application

    You are required to submit a portfolio of your art work: sculpture, painting, photography, etc. Or, you are considering sending in a portfolio to demonstrate your talent as a supplement to your college application to make your candidacy more competitive.

    Submitting a portfolio is not easy, and the process probably began in your sophomore or junior year, building your portfolio materials and deciding how to make your portfolio wide-ranging and varied. But, now you have to get it done!

    What is the best way to present yourself in your portfolio and how do you present yourself well?

    You might want to start by looking at how a portfolio fits into a college application. This article will cover how to present yourself in the art portfolio best and will offer some great insider tips.

    Whatever you do, give yourself at least three weeks to get your art portfolio completed and sent in a timely fashion, and do it well before the deadline!

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    What Do I Need To Know To Start

    Preparing an art school portfolio for college admission is not a casual undertaking, its very common for high school students to underestimate how much time and labor is involved. Creating the artworks for an art school portfolio is not simply the amount of time it would take to physically produce the precise number of artworks.

    The process of creating an art school portfolio is an enormous learning experience that is ongoing throughout the entire process. Although preparing an art school portfolio can often times feel overwhelming and stressful for many high school students, the learning and experience you will get making the artworks is actually one of the best parts.

    Top 10 Tips For Creating The Best Art Portfolio

    How to make a portfolio for University (foundation art and ...

    You’ve decided to get serious about art school. But before you can prepare for an exciting journey that will hone your skills and push you to achieve things you never thought possible, you’ve got to take an important first step in the admission process: creating your portfolio.

    After reviewing countless student portfolios, we wanted to offer some tips for compiling your portfolio. This advice will help you create a portfolio that showcases your technical, creative, and conceptual abilities and separates you from other applicants.

    1. Read the criteria closely

    Every school has its own set of requirements for a portfolio. Take a close look at what each school you apply for is requesting from applicants – how many pieces, what format, when its due, and so on. Make sure your portfolio submission meets every requirement.

    2. Organize examples effectively

    The way you arrange the different pieces in your portfolio reflects on your presentation skills and thought process. If you are conscientious about the order in which your work is presented, admissions counselors will be able to better understand your works narrative and focus on your skill set.

    3. Write clear, concise labels

    Most art schools want some basic information about selections in your portfolio. A title, date, and description of the medium are standard. If more information is requested, elaborate without being excessive.

    4. Be ready to discuss each piece

    5. Tell stories

    6. Dont get hung up on quantity

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