Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Is It Illegal To Not Transfer College Credits

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How To File A Borrower Defense Claim

Transfer Credit Guide: How credits transfer to ASU | Arizona State University

Borrowers can file a borrower defense to repayment claim online, by calling 1-855-279-6207 , or by completing a 9-page Borrower Defense to Repayment Application Form. The completed application form can be sent by email to BorrowerDefense@ed.gov or by postal mail to:

U.S. Dept. of Education Borrower Defense to Repayment P.O. Box 1854

Borrowers should attach evidence to support their claim, such as:

  • Copies of advertising and promotional materials from the college or the colleges website
  • Email or other correspondence with the college
  • The colleges course catalog
  • Enrollment agreements, registration documents, transcripts and other proof of enrollment dates

Evidence of misconduct can also include legal action taken against the college by the federal government and state attorneys general.

  • Beware of organizations that say theyll file a borrower defense claim on your behalf for a fee. Charging an up-front fee for credit repair services is a violation of federal and state laws.

Talk With Your New Admissions Advisor

The admissions advisor at your prospective school is there to answer any questions you have about how to transfer your college credits. Make an appointment with them and bring a list of specific questions about the schools transfer policies with you. Does your new school accept courses taken in the military? AP courses from high school? You may even ask if the college offers credit for life or work experience. Your admissions advisor should have all the answers.

Investigate Transfer Policies Before Enrolling

Every college has published policies indicating what transfer credit it will accept. Take these policies into account when choosing where you want to graduate from.

How to check if a college will accept your credit:

  • Request an unofficial transcript from your previous college .

  • On your future colleges website, locate the most recent academic catalog.

  • Compare the credit you have with the schools catalog. Take note of which of your transfer courses match courses the school offers by comparing course codes, titles, prerequisites, and descriptions. This is the credit your future college will accept.

  • Accepted credit isnt always the same as applicable credit. Next, locate your desired degrees requirements . Does the degree you want have room for your accepted transfer credit? You may think, If my college accepts the credit, why do I need to check the specific degree? The fact that your desired college accepts your transfer credit in general doesnt necessarily mean that those credits all apply to your particular degree programs specific requirements. So be sure not to skip this step!

  • Now do a search on the website for the schools transfer policy to discover:

    • How much transfer credit it accepts

    • What kind of transfer credit it accepts

    If you have questions, direct them to the schools registrar.

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    What Are Credit Hours

    To reiterate, credit hours refer are the number of hours you spend in a classroom every week. Thats the short, simple explanation of what credit hours are but its not as straightforward as it seems. Understanding how they are calculated and how they affect your degree is a bit more complicated.

    To understand credit hours, you need to first understand contact hours. The number of contact hours you complete will determine the number of credit hours you earn for your program.

    Applying Transfer Credit To Degree Requirements

    Is It Illegal To Not Transfer College Credits

    Before a student first registers for classes at the UW, s/he should meet with an academic adviser to plan a program of study. The adviser determines how the transfer credits shown on the transfer-credit evaluation may be used to meet UW degree requirements. For example, suppose that Admissions awards a student 120 transfer credits, but only 100 of those credits can be applied toward graduation requirements for that students degree program. If selective credits are needed, credits that do not apply toward specific requirements may still be applied toward the minimum number of total credits required for graduation.

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    Content Enrollment And Lifetime Access

    Under our Instructor Terms, when instructors publish content on Udemy, they grant Udemy a license to offer a license to the content to students. This means that we have the right to sublicense the content to enrolled students. As a student, when you enroll in a course or other content, whether its free or paid content, you are getting a license from Udemy to view the content via the Udemy platform and Services, and Udemy is the licensor of record. Content is licensed, and not sold, to you. This license does not give you any right to resell the content in any manner .

    In legal, more complete terms, Udemy grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the content for which you have paid all required fees, solely for your personal, non-commercial, educational purposes through the Services, in accordance with these Terms and any conditions or restrictions associated with the particular content or feature of our Services. All other uses are expressly prohibited. You may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or use any content unless we give you explicit permission to do so in a written agreement signed by a Udemy authorized representative. This also applies to content you can access via any of our APIs.

    Do College Credits Ever Expire What You Need To Know Before Transferring

    Sometimes students face unforeseen circumstances and need to take a break from their college studies. In other cases, students may earn their associate degree, embark on a career in their chosen path, and then return to pursue a bachelors degree to open up more and better-paying job opportunities. In other instances, a student may have earned their bachelors degree, but then want to earn a second bachelors or masters degree to distinguish themselves within a related or completely different field.

    Regardless of the situation, students often have questions around whether the college credits theyve previously earned have expired or if those credits can count towards a different degree they plan to pursue. The ability to transfer previously earned college credits can help reduce the amount of time a student must spend working toward a new degree.

    The good news is that, in most cases, college credits that have previously been earned may remain valid and do not expire. There are, however, some instances where certain types of courses and educational credits may have an expiration date.

    Well cover the different scenarios where previously earned college credits can still be applied, as well as some of the common questions students have when considering returning to school.

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    Resuming Your College Education

    If youre planning on going back to school to complete an unfinished degree program or earn a new certification or masters degree, National University welcomes students from all backgrounds, educational levels, and walks of life. To get started, review our undergraduate admissions checklist or our graduate admissions checklist to see the path ahead. Have questions? Please feel free to speak with an admissions counselor to learn which credits can apply to your new degree program and how we can help you learn and achieve more.

    Total And Permanent Disability Discharge

    Transferring College Credit? My Transfer Credit Calculator Can Help!

    Federal education loans may be discharged if the borrower has a Total and Permanent Disability .

    Note that Federal Parent PLUS loans can be discharged if the parent borrower becomes disabled, but not if the student becomes disabled.

    There are three ways of demonstrating a total and permanent disability:

    • The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs determines that the borrower is unemployable because of service-connected disabilities that are 100% disabling.
    • The borrower qualifies for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income from the Social Security Administration and the next disability review will be 5 or more years after the date of the most recent disability status determination.
    • A U.S. doctor certifies that the borrower is unable to engage in substantial gainful activity due to a physical or mental impairment that has lasted or is expected to last for at least 5 years or that can be expected to result in death.

    The U.S. Department of Education performs a data match with the VA and SSA to identify borrowers who are eligible for a TPD discharge and will discharge their federal education loans automatically.

    To apply for a TPD discharge based on a doctors certification, the doctor must sign the TPD Discharge Application.

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    Transferring When Your First Choice Isnt The Right One

    First of all approximately one out of every four students find that their first choice college isnt right for them. It is okay to recognize this, move on and make another choice. There is not only one right fit for each student. Perhaps the school is too expensive or your familys financial status changed over the year. The major, school environment or distance from home may be not what you envisioned. It is important to sort out the inevitable adjustment period where enthusiasm wanes and doubts creep in verses needing to transfer.If you do wind up needing to transfer be sure to meet with an academic advisor and the registrar to get a copy of your transcript sent to the new school and to plan how the courses already taken will fit with the new college. Also be aware that you will need to notify lending institutions of changes because loans will begin to come due if lenders are notified that you are no longer enrolled.

    Founder/ PresidentPathfinder Counseling LLC

    Recent Changes To Borrower Defense Regulations

    The current regulations, which were adopted during the Trump Administration, narrowed eligibility for the borrower defense to repayment. Now, to qualify for borrower defense discharge:

    • Misrepresentations must have been made with knowledge of its false, misleading, or deception nature or with a reckless disregard for the truth.
    • The borrower must have experienced financial harm because of the misrepresentations.
    • Borrower defense to repayment claims must be filed within three years of the students separation from the college.

    The Trump Administration also adopted a partial relief formula that limited the amount of debt discharged under the borrower defense to repayment.The U.S. Department of Education announced on March 18, 2021, that it was rescinding the partial relief formula and providing full relief to all borrowers with approved borrower defense claims. The U.S. Department of Education also said that it intends to issue new regulations for the borrower defense to repayment. Further developments will be announced on the U.S. Department of Educations Borrower Defense Updates page. The IRS has determined that borrower defense to repayment discharges are excluded from income. Borrowers are also not required to repay education tax benefits that were claimed on previous federal income tax returns.

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    How Long Do Colleges Keep Transcripts

    College transcripts do not expire and schools are obligated to maintain transcripts for all students who have enrolled in and attended their institution regardless of whether or not that student graduated. Whether you last attended a school six months ago or more than two decades ago, you are able to request access to your permanent academic records from any school youve attended. Colleges and universities maintain these records so that employers can verify a person has the educational background necessary of applicants, or so former students can share their educational credentials with other schools to continue their education.

    A True Second Chance: Becoming A Strong Transfer Applicant

    Is It Illegal To Not Transfer College Credits

    If you plan to transfer from a community college or four year college, you need to view your freshman and sophomore years of college as your junior year of high school. You need to have your highest grades ever. You need to work, be active on campus, or volunteer. You need to do something each summer. Then you need to make sure you are fulfilling each schools academic requirements. Then you must connect with a professor for recommendations and make sure you complete the paperwork for each college. Unfortunately, the Common Application still requires you to use paper recommendations and forms. So keep a chart of all requirements, including which transcripts and test scores you need to send. Deadlines different for each school, and some allow winter and spring transfers.

    Executive Director & Foundergetmetocollege.org

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    Know Where Youre Graduating From

    Colleges evaluate transfer credit based on their requirements, not those of your previous school.

    For example, unless your community college has an articulation agreement with a specific school, a 60-credit associate degree probably wont count as 60 credits toward your bachelors at another school. They simply have different requirements.

    Use community college or online course providers as a way to find and take courses for your future degree. Dont bother with a community colleges “graduation requirements.

    Terms & Conditions Of Employment

    The law makes it illegal for an employer to make any employment decision because of a person’s race, color, religion, sex , national origin, age , disability or genetic information. That means an employer may not discriminate when it comes to such things as hiring, firing, promotions, and pay. It also means an employer may not discriminate, for example, when granting breaks, approving leave, assigning work stations, or setting any other term or condition of employment – however small.

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    Do I Have To Transfer All College Credits

    If youre concerned youll need to transfer all of your credits to a new school , you can relax. Most colleges wont accept transfer credits unless you earned at least a B. Others will give you credit as long as you earned a passing grade. Since these policies vary from school to school, the best answer to this question will come from the registrars office of the school youre transferring to.

    What Is Cyberbullying Anyway


    Cyberbullying is the platform the twenty-first century bully uses to inflict pain and humiliation upon another, says author and speaker Dr. John DeGarmo of The Foster Care Institute. The use of technology to embarrass, threaten, tease, harass or even target another person. DeGarmo emphasizes the danger of cyberbullying in how inescapable it can be.

    Todays bully can follow the targeted victim wherever that child may go, he explains. Whether the child is in school, at home … whenever that bullied child has access to online technology, he or she can be bullied. He adds that this form of bullying can be non-stop twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

    “Today’s bully can follow the targeted victim wherever that child may go.”

    DeGarmo stresses that bullying is on the upswing. Online platforms create easy, accessible opportunities for harassmentto the point that witnessing cruelty online is the norm for many. Younger people see that on Twitter all the time, he says. Its become part of their daily lives, and its a breakdown of compassion.

    Because cyberbullies cant witness the effect of their words, they use less restraint than they would in face-to-face situations. This emotional and physical detachment allows them to harass others, in some cases without truly realizing theyve become a bully. But if you are thinking cyberbullying can never harm someone as much as a punch or getting shoved into a locker, think again.

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    Job Assignments & Promotions

    It is illegal for an employer to make decisions about job assignments and promotions based on an employee’s race, color, religion, sex , national origin, age , disability or genetic information. For example, an employer may not give preference to employees of a certain race when making shift assignments and may not segregate employees of a particular national origin from other employees or from customers.

    An employer may not base assignment and promotion decisions on stereotypes and assumptions about a person’s race, color, religion, sex , national origin, age , disability or genetic information.

    If an employer requires employees to take a test before making decisions about assignments or promotions, the test may not exclude people of a particular race, color, religion, sex , or national origin, or individuals with disabilities, unless the employer can show that the test is necessary and related to the job. In addition, the employer may not use a test that excludes employees age 40 or older if the test is not based on a reasonable factor other than age.

    Can I Choose Which Credits To Transfer

    Yes and no. Although you can choose not to transfer certain course credits , you also dont get to decide what your new school will accept. For example, if youre majoring in American history and you took several core courses required to graduate from school A, school B still might not accept them. Each school has its own major requirements.

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    Quarter Vs Semester Credits

    U.S. colleges and universities that operate on a semester system award semester credit. The UW operates on a quarter system and awards quarter credit.

    • To convert quarter credits to semester credits, multiply by .67.
    • To convert semester to quarter credits, multiply by 1.5.

    Example: A student who earned 30 semester credits would be awarded 45 quarter credits in transfer at the UW.

    College credit completed outside the U.S. at a school recognized by the Ministry of Education is evaluated differently: No more than one year of transfer credit will be awarded for one year of study. College and university credit from outside the U.S. is generally awarded a maximum of 45 quarter credits for each full year completed. Semester credits outside the U.S. may not be calculated the same as U.S. semester credits.

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