Friday, September 6, 2024

How To Determine What To Study In College

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How College Credit Hours Are Earned In High School

How to Study Only 2 Hours a Day yet STILL Ace your Exams

There are a variety of high schools that offer advanced classes in different areas. These classes are intended to prepare you for an AP Exam relevant to that course. AP, standing for Advanced Placement, is an organization that offers 34 courses and exams in different areas. A student would take an AP course and exam with the intent of transferring for college credit. However, you DO NOT have to take the AP course in high school in order to take the AP exam .

Once you have taken the course in high school, if applicable, you then take the test and are given a score. Every university differs, however the majority of state schools will accept a 3 or better for college credit, while more selective schools will only accept those which are a 4 or a 5. The number of credits that transfer depend varies by university.

AP Exam Score

No 1: The Student Feels Like They Dont Belong

This is true at both high school and collegiate levels. If a student feels out of place at their school, then it can greatly affect their performance. A poor performance is born out of deficiencies in some of the other factors we have talked about above.

Thats why it is so important, especially as a student gets ready for college, to look at things like what types of educational programs a school is known for as well as factors such as student-to-teacher ratio and geographical area . Belonging allows one to find the proper support units to foster study skills and performance.

No : They Rely Too Much On Cramming

Cramming may help you get through a short pop quiz, but it will never take you all the way. Thats because the human brain is not designed to retain information acquired from intense, short-term focus.

It may help you select the right answer on a multiple choice exam, but its not going to lead to anything remotely resembling clear understanding. And if you ever expect to reach a marketable level of success in your career, youre going to, at some point, be called upon to prove that you are as good as you say you are. Lets be clear about one thing.

Cramming is not studying. Studying is understanding why things are the way they are. Cramming is the mental equivalent to stuffing all your trash and dirty clothes into the closet of your dorm room. Everything is still dirty. The problem is temporarily gone, but if something stinks going into the closet, it will stink if it stays there. Period.

You havent cleaned anything. We have to stop promoting this idea that cramming and studying are the same. Too many students are being fooled by it, and it leads to long-term failure.

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Consider The Class Requirements Associated With Different Majors

Its tempting to choose your major solely based on a career path that sounds interesting to you. But, in reality, its important to understand what that major will mean on a more practical level. Get to know the academic requirements for the major you are considering, Ellis says. Make sure you not only enjoy the major, but will be excited about the classes that come with it. Ellis adds, You should also evaluate whether the requirements fit your abilities and skill set.

Vinay Bhaskara, cofounder of CollegeVine, echoed that sentiment: Even if you have a field that excites you, you need to make sure that you can find the type of classes that you like, he tells Teen Vogue. For example, if youre terrible at exams and love writing essays and discussing stuff in small groups, then regardless of how interested you are in pre-medicine, it probably isnt a good fit.

No : They Become Too Dependent On Technology

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We live in a world where reams of information are available and, more importantly, searchable through a few taps on the keyboard. While there are still more words available through all the libraries of the world, it is far more laborious to go through a library than it is to seek something out on the Internet.

The problem behind that: technology will not always be rapidly at ones disposal to solve each problem that may occur. Also, technology doesnt always allow one access to vetted information as easily as a library may.

There is a value in being able to work a long division problem or solve a quadratic equation without the aid of a calculator. While you may not always have to face that situation, it allows you to walk through the necessary processes with or without technological assistance.

It also teaches you the principles of problem solving so you can deal with systemic failure instead of placing the focus on getting an answer at all costs. This speaks to the very foundation of what it means to be a great studier because we study to understand the why of something.

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No : They Never Developed A Love Of Reading

Like it or not, moving your eyes across horizontal rows of text on a page is a necessary part of improving your study skills. While there are some ways to now circumvent reading through podcasts, audio/video files and speeches, there is still vital information you wont find anywhere else but through the written word, and without at least a healthy tolerance of this, it isnt easy to find success.

A love of reading can usually be cultivated through things like comic books, graphic novels, reading materials that are spun off or connected to favorite television shows and movies, and then expanding organically from there.

Still, there will be times when you have to read things that bore you to tears, and that is where mental fortitude comes into play. Resolve to the fact that not everything you NEED to learn will be something you necessarily WANT to learn.

Then, try to borrow skills and habits that you picked up from reading that you did enjoy. And when you do hit a brick wall, look for other forms of media to complement your understanding of the text.

Choosing More Than One

Some college students are so passionate, they may not want to limit themselves to just one major. A double major is an enormous undertaking and one that, depending on the college, may translate into the fifth year of study . So it’s also worth investigating the differences between a major and a minor.

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Ready To Start Your Journey

  • Students typically start thinking about colleges to apply to in 10th or 11th grade.
  • Most learners submit applications to 4-12 colleges.

A college degree can open the door to better job opportunities and higher salaries.

According to a 2020 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers with a bachelor’s degree as their highest level of education earned an average of $524 more per week than workers with only a high school diploma. What’s more, many jobs require candidates to have at least a bachelor’s degree.

Choosing a college that can help you achieve both your personal and professional goals is critical to your success. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine which factors are most important for your lifestyle and what you hope to get out of higher education. Once you’ve identified these factors, you can create a shortlist of schools and begin researching them.

This guide explains how to compare colleges, what to look for in a college, and how to estimate your chances of getting into your dream school.

No : They Become Too Dependent On The Highlighter

DONâT KNOW WHAT TO STUDY? // How to Choose Your Major in College

Most people who attend college become dependent on the highlighter at some point. Believe us, we understand why.

It gives you something to do and it turns your textbook or handout into a colorful display of language rather than the hefty 200-pound tome of information that tends to boggle the mind. But it also does something counterproductive. It turns every little bit of data into important information.

People get highlighter-happy, in other words. The reason: they dont really understand what is important and what isnt when they set out to use it. As a result, too many things get highlighted, and it becomes difficult to distinguish the important information from the filler stuff. When it reaches that point, you might as well not highlight at all.

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No 1: Schools Dont Teach It

Teachers often work in independent silos because their objective is to teach English, math, science, etc., to certain standards as mandated by the state where they work and the federal government. They have so much riding on their shoulders that they have to assume a student comes to the table with a foundation of study skills in place.

Unfortunately, that foundation is often not in place because of the assumption and because parents fail to teach their children how to study, possibly because they dont have it themselves. Study skills, like financial literacy, are essential to building functional adults, but theyre not taught with any consistency or organization.

Students, parents, and political bodies have to understand this, and they need to make a more concerted effort to lay those foundations for themselves whether its happening in the classroom or not.

Teachers could also do themselves favors by talking about how to study more in relation to their subject expertise. They should, in other words, model how to study for Huck Finn or how to study for geometry, the scientific method, etc.

What Are You Interested In

Studies have found that students tend to perform better in school when they can focus on their interests. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for people to identify their interests.

To get help with this, consider taking a personality quiz. For example, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire can help you determine subjects that closely align with your personality and interests.

This popular assessment uses your habits and attitudes to generate one of 16 personality types, written as a combination of four letters. Examples include ISFJ and ENTP .

You can also explore potential areas of study and career paths by joining student clubs, volunteering, working a part-time job on campus, managing a side hustle, or completing an internship.

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How To Remember What You Study

remember what you study + Feel Confident your study strategies will lead to success

Are you frustrated because you are putting in regular study time and yet still dont know how to remember what you study?

Youre not alone.

So many of my students share they are putting in the time, working hard to go through their learning materials, and still coming up short at exam time, struggling to remember what they studied. Its frustrating, embarrassing, and sucks the motivation out of you.

The good news is this big problem has a very simple solution and it has a major impact on how quickly you are able to do on your exams.

When Should Your Child Be Thinking About Their Major

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Each college/university has a different policy on this, but most students dont officially declare a major until a year or two into their college career. However, we at CollegeVine strongly recommend that your student narrow down their major well before that, even as theyre forming their college list before they start applying. Why so soon?

Firstly, if your student has an idea early on of what they want to study, they can use their remaining time in high school to build a competitive academic and extracurricular profile for that major. For example, if your student knows they want to study Computer Science, they should enroll in those technical courses, enter some robotics competitions or hackathons, and join computer-science-related extracurriculars. The sooner they decide on what they want to study in college, the more time they have to prepare.

Secondly, if your student knows their major, this could actually help them narrow down their college list and guide their college research. With a major in mind, your child will know to apply to only those colleges that have solid, reputable academic programs for that major. Major specific college searches are much simpler and can often deliver a healthy spread of general academic rankings while maintaining high major ranking throughout.

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When Do You Declare A Major

Generally at most four-year colleges you dont have to decide on a major until the end of your sophomore year. This gives you time to try a couple of classes and see what you like before you decide, and earn general education credits that count toward your degree. Keep in mind, certain fields and programs require an early commitment so you can take all the required classes and graduate on time.

Can You Change Your Major

You can absolutely change your major in college. Studies find that most students change majors at least once and many students switch several times. No matter what year youre in, sometimes the major you declare doesnt end up being the right one. If you decide to change your major, make sure the credits you need align with your expected graduation date. Go to your counselor for guidance on picking a new major and setting up your schedule.

Its a big decision, but you know yourself and your interests better than anyone. Remember, when choosing a major, the most important thing is to make sure youre happy and clear about your priorities for your life and career after college.

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What Is The Most Effective Way To Study

Finding the best way to study is an ongoing process. It isnt something that can be left to the night before the test. You should be constantly improving your study skills to better understand what works .

Learning how to study better helps avoid panic and frustration the next time a big test is coming up. After all, you are more likely to do well and be less stressed before a test when you have had time to properly review and practice the material!

Mastering effective study habits not only makes it easier to learn but will also help you get better grades in high school and post-secondary.

Get Closer To Your Selected Field

How to choose what to study at university! (5 STEPS)

You dont have to wait until you have graduated to experience what it is like to work in the field you majored in. Thus, meet up with current students and professionals in the specific field.

Have them discuss their experiences. If you can get an internship in the field you are studying in while still in school the better. It doesnt even have to be a paid opportunity.

The more you can learn about the field the better you will be in deciding whether it is the best thing for you to study or not.

If you realize early that the field you have chosen will not work for you can still change without disrupting our life that much. Therefore, you have to explore your options.

In this case, when you finally settle on what to study there will be no doubts that it is the best thing for you because you will have all the details needed at hand.

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My Kid Is Clueless About College Majors

Many college kids arrive on campus as undeclared majors. At some point in the first 2 years, they must choose a college major. If your child has done nothing but knock out general ed requirements with a slew of introductory classes, panic may set in. Random 101-level classes are not the best way to decide. These methods are:

What Should You Study In College How To Choose Your Major


After months of poring over brochures, visiting campuses, and picturing yourself in different school colors, you finally decided where to go to college. Now you’re asking yourself a new question: What do I major in? College decisions like these can definitely feel challenging.

While some people enter college with a clear-as-day idea of what degree theyll be pursuing, many people dont and thats OK. Know that in most cases, mainly liberal arts, your major is not the end-all-be-all of your career, says Jill Jacinto, associate director of editorial communications for WORKS. Once you graduate and enter the real world, you will be able to explore many different types of jobs and industries.

But you will have to declare a major at some point, so its important to understand the process, and what the decision means. Students should learn all they can about the options that their college offers, Eulynn Gargano, head of test prep and tutoring at FutureWise Consulting, tells Teen Vogue. Can I double major? What options are there for my minors? How late in my college career can I switch my major and still graduate in a timely manner? Asking these questions can not only alleviate the pressure of choosing a major, but often allows students to consider pursuing multiple interests during their college career.

Below are 10 expert tips to help you figure out what to major in.

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Weigh The Pros And Cons Of Each College

After completing the steps above, it’s time to sit down with a trusted advisor to weigh the pros and cons of each college and see which one best meets your criteria. For example, the school that offered the most money may allow for the least amount of debt, but what if it doesn’t offer a campus culture that aligns with your needs?

Gathering ample information about your target schools can better prepare you to choose your college and find an institution that’s the best fit for you.

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